I previously posted about how to count total number of what I thought was mailboxes on any given server…and today I realized that when I used the command from that post I was coming up with a number just a bit too high for what I was looking for. I did some research and found out that this command finds any entry for any recipient on the server you’re running it and reports back. For example, I have just over 2000 objects in Recipient Configuration in the Exchange Management Console (EMC). This is reported back if I use that command. What I really wanted to know though was how many users mailboxes I have per database.
Of course, powershell is the easiest way to accomplish this. Powershell is POWERFULL…but sometimes you just need to do simple things with it and instead of having a simple powershell command, you have a complex one. It’s not the fault of powershell of course…it’s just how things happen to work. Just the same, here is the command that you can use to get a nice readout of how many users you have in each database:
Get-MailboxDatabase | Select Server, StorageGroupName, Name, @{Name="Number Of Mailboxes";expression={(Get-Mailbox -Database $_.Identity | Measure-Object).Count}} | Format-Table -AutoSize
Please note this command is for a single mailbox server environment…if you have clustered or multiple mailbox database servers the command will probably be different. Breaking down the command…with Get-MailboxDatabase we’re selecting all databases in our environment. Next we’re selecting a few columns of data…server, storage group name. Next we’re selecting a column titled Number Of Mailboxes and we’re defining an expression. The expression grabs the identity of the single database and then does a count of each individual mailbox…it then returns that value under the name “Number Of Mailboxes”. The last bits format the table and autoresize it to fit on your powershell screen.
You could output this to CSV relatively easy as well and you could even incorporate this into a nightly report if you really wanted to. I know the command isn’t very simple…which is odd considering that it should be much simpler to find out the number of people on a single database. If there are easier ways to do this…I haven’t found them. You can use EMC to select the column and then sort and highlight the number of people for a quick and easy way…but I prefer powershell. I hope this helps someone out! I know it is a command I can’t live without!
Nice one – thanks
What command shoudl be used when having Multiple Databases Servers?
This command gives me all info but the mailbox Size doesnt work.
thank you
Thanks a lot, really helpful..
If you will introduce the size of the mailbox, whether the mailbox is reaching its limit or not, it will be very helpful.
There is actually an easier command to pull number of mailboxes on a server/database. (get-mailbox -Server *servername here*).count